2 min read

Ask for help!
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask a lot of questions! If you are having trouble understanding something ask as many questions as you need to! Your professors and classmates will be happy to help you out. If you are having difficulties with your course ask for help so you can clearly understand what you being taught.

Be involved in the learning process
Try not to just sit in the back of the classroom and listen. Get involved. Talk to the other students and the teacher. Take responsibility for your learning! It is up to you to do your best through your course. Work hard and stay organized! Participating in class is a great way to increase your knowledge.

Practice makes perfect
Learning a new language can be difficult. So you will have to practice. Practice speaking with other students. They are in the same situation as you are. Together you can help each other improve your ESL skills. Working with others will also help you improve your listening skills! Besides practicing your speaking and listening skills, you will also want to practice your writing skills. You can try to write down what someone has said in English and review it to see how well you did. Other way to practice your English proficiency is to reading books/ newspapers or listen to movies or tv shows in English. As your program continues you will be able to see how much you have learned!

Start thinking in English
Since English is not your first known language this can be a difficult thing to do, especially when you are just starting to learn English. When you are talking to someone, or watching a show in your native language, try thinking about the words in English. You need to push yourself! Work hard to improve your knowledge and understanding of this new language.

Be involved in the culture
You are now living in a new place, so why not get involved in this new culture! Being involved in your new surroundings can help you understand english and also is a way to practice your new language skills that you have been learning in the classroom. Experiencing Canadian or American culture will help you increase your knowledge of this new language. Also attending local events is a fun and exciting thing to take part in!

Bonus tip! – Don’t give up!
Studying a new language can be difficult. Especially when you have just arrived in a new country. You may feel discouraged and think that you will not be able to accomplish your goals. But don’t give up on yourself. You need to work hard and try your best so you are able to be successful!

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