Malaysia documents legalization services: (a)Documents originating from Malaysia to use overseas ; (b)Documents to use in Malaysia.
Do you need Certification and Legalization Service for Malaysia Documents? We provide Malaysia documents legalization services. Our trained and knowledgeable staff are available Monday to Sunday to answer your questions and provide you easy to follow step-by-step instructions. We provide expedited legalization services ensuring that your documents will be completed quickly.
Question and Answers:
1. What documents can you help for Malaysia legalization?
The most common documents we can certify and legalize are:
2. Why do I need a service provider like your firm to do this job for me?
Certifying documents can be complicated and involving different government bodies/agencies. Don’t leave this process to untrained employees or non-professionals who do not fully understand the process and the unique requirements of certain countries. Your paperwork could be rejected costing you time and money. Don’t let this happen to you!
3. What is the business process to use your legalization service?
4. Do you provide apostille/legalization service in other countries?
Yes, we do. If you have documents need to be legalized/Apostilled in a specific country, contact us please, we are the right service provider for your need.
5. I am Malaysian with documents originating from Malaysia, but I need the documents legalized by an overseas organization. Can you help you as well?
Yes, we can help you. We deal with legalization affairs not within Malaysia, but also globally. Contact us for your special needs.
6. Any documents originating from Malaysia and with the purpose to use overseas must go into the legalization process without special.
7. Do you provide apostille/legalization service in any other Embassies/Consulate General Offices in Malaysia?
Yes, we do. If you have documents need to be legalized/Apostilled by a specific Embassies/Consulate General Offices in Malaysia, contact us please, we are the right service provider for your need, as long as this country has diplomatic establishment in Malaysia.
8. How do I contact your business?
Office Hours: 0900am – 1900pm Monday – Saturday
Customer Support: +86-15810917240
Wechat: +8615810917240
Office Address: pangsapuri alam budiman, seksyen u10, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
1. 贵公司可以给哪些文件在马来西亚国内提供马来西亚合法化(单认证/双认证)服务?
3. 获得合法化(单认证/双认证)服务的业务流程是什么?
4. 你们可以帮助在其他国家做海牙认证或者大使馆/领事馆认证吗?
5. 我是马来西亚公民,文件来自马来西亚,但我需要由海外机构或组织合法化(单认证/双认证服务)我的文件。你们也能帮助吗?
6. 任何来自马来西亚并以在海外使用为目的的文件都必须进入合法化(单认证/双认证服务)程序,没有特例。
7. 在马来西亚国内,你们可以提供其他国家驻该国外交机构的合法化(单认证/双认证)/ 海牙认证吗?
8. 我如何联系贵公司?